Thursday, August 18, 2011

There Were Four

Today in class we used our descriptive writing skills to tell stories about four visits (or visitors).  Each visit(or) was to be progressively better or worse than the previous.  Here are some we liked:

It was a boiling day last summer.  It was too hot to go out, so I was staying home all day long.  At 7 pm, the doorbell of my apartment rang.  I opened the door.  A stranger was standing in front of me.  She looked like an incredibly old woman.  She said to me that she was a singer.  Suddenly, she started singing.  She sang like the chorus at church on Sunday morning.

At 8 pm, the bell rang again.  The next singer was a tiny young woman.  She said to me, "Please listen to my song."
Her song was like a breeze at the beginning of the spring season.  I thought, "What a clear voice!"

At 9 pm, another singer came to my apartment.  She was a gorgeous and tall American woman.  She wore a beautiful, shiny gold dress.  It really suited her.  She was like the headliner of the most famous, fantastic musical.  Her voice was really dynamic and awesome.  It was so moving that I got goose bumps.

At 10 pm, a final singer came.  She was the most beautiful I've ever seen.  She had such a glamorous aura
I could say nothing.  I thought she must be a goddess.
-Hiroko Nagasaki

There was a wise man who lived in a forest. He had a problem to resolve, so he asked everybody if someone could resolve this problem. Nobody could be found.
At 9 o'clock, the top student of Harvard came to the forest to resolve it. He was a tiny boy but spotless and really clever. He searched, he searched, and he searched, but he didn't find the solution. He was really furious.
At 10 o clock, a very famous researcher wanted to try to find the solution. After one hour of research, he was exhausted and he gave up the research.
At 11 o clock, an ancient genius, famous for his theories, came to the forest. The wise man was laughing because the candidates were more and more clever and nobody could find the solution. The genius started to write lots of calculations but he couldn't find the answer.
At midnight, a boy, around twelve years old, arrived to the forest. All the researchers and geniuses were making fun of him. He was a normal boy, not clever not stupid, but he found the answer because the solution was very easy. Everybody was astounded.
Because we are clever doesn't mean we can think.
The end.
 -Matthieu Delacour

The first woman was as noble as Mother Teresa. She was like the sea, her heart was very wide and calm, but she was as old as a grandmother, always used to being very sick. So she wasn’t outgoing. Although she wanted go out everyday, she couldn’t because of her physical weakness.
The second woman’s eyes were spring water. When I met her, she inspired me. As she saw, I seemed to be spring water, could be creative. She was very energetic, but her energy made me very tired. Nobody could understand her mind, mentally.
The third woman was like my mother. When I felt homesick, she used to take care of me although we were the same age. On the other hand, she was very stubborn, instructing me like my mother and teacher. She loved to teach everything with good motivation, but people didn’t like to hear anything from her. She wanted to know about what all people wanted to be, what problems they had, who they loved……I thought that her life was very tiring. 
The fourth woman very funny; she was like a cartoon character. She always made me happy, but she was very strange. She sometimes acted like an unreal cartoon character. She seemed to be a woman who lived in a cartoon instead of now. She insisted that all people had to live like a cartoon character. She believed that that would make us very happy.
In NYC, I was able to meet various people I’d never met in my life.
-Sojin Kim

I wanted to move a new apartment last month, so I went to an agent to look for an apartment for myself.
First, he showed me an apartment. It was not big enough to share with 3 people (maybe for 2 people), but it was enough for me except it was filthy, so I wanted to see other choices.
The second house was really small. Only I could live there. Maybe I could invite just my one friend to stay. It was too small like my old house. However, it was dirty.
He showed me the third house, which just I could live in. I couldn't invite a friend to stay or have a party in there. It was tiny. However, it was clean like my old house.
The last apartment was really as minuscule and cramped as my dog's cave. I couldn't live there. It was tiny. However, it was spotless like a newly built house.
I wanted to move to a spotless and big house, but I couldn't choose my new house with this agent. I thought I should go to another agent.
-Cansu Usta

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